Does the US face a shortage of primary care physicians? Part I

Several recent studies and news stories suggest that the US faces a physician shortage, particularly in primary care. Access to health care requires not only insurance but adequate numbers of health care providers such as physicians and nurses, among others. Theoretically, we could imagine everyone in the country with adequate insurance but an insufficient number of practitioners to meet their needs.

Pauline W. Chen M.D., for example, asks Where Have All the Primary Care Doctors Gone?

The obvious solution is to graduate more doctors, but three years ago the Wall Street Journal stated that Medical Schools Can’t Keep Up with the expanding number of insureds. A graphic based on data from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows the geographic nature of the problem.

Doctor Shortage_Kaiser_from WSJ

What the map does not tell us is what the optimal number of physicians per 1000 in the population is, nor does it tell us whether that number varies with the degree of urbanization.   For example, does a geographically dispersed population require more physicians per thousand because the expanse is too great for coverage by one person?

The American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) provides the figures quoted in almost all of the stories.

From their website:

AAMC Doc Shortage

But, the AAMC does not suggest that increasing the number of medical students will solve the problem. They point out that medical schools planned a 30 percent increase in medical students by 2016 and were on target to meet that goal.

The problem, according to the lobbying group for medical schools, is the number of residencies, which have not kept pace because of the cap on Medicare-funded residencies in the 1997 Balanced Budget Act. They are calling for removal of the cap by the funding of an additional 4,000 residencies annually.

Not at all coincidentally, the AAMC praises introduction of a bill to create 3,000-4,000 new residencies:


If that would solve the physician shortage that has been alleged, then we could all applaud. However, even if we accept that there is a shortage, that it is related to residencies, and that this proposal increases the necessary residencies, there is another possibility.

What if US medical students will not choose primary care residencies over specialties no matter how many there are. Jacob Goldstein noted in a 2009 WSJ blog that residents in internal medicine often go on to do residencies in more lucrative sub-specialties while

In family medicine, another key supplier of primary-care docs, there isn’t even enough interest among qualified young docs to fill existing residency slots. Hundreds of slots went unfilled this year, and graduates of foreign med schools filled many of the available positions.

Goldstein’s point was validated by a study published in the December 2012 JAMA. The accompanying editorial notes that only 21.5 percent of third-year residents plan to practice in primary care. (to be continued)

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