Are the troops healthier than before?

Military troops are healthier than before with less arterial plaque than previous studies showed. So says a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association

Whether our military is healthier is an important question, going to the heart of the reason for this blog. The study also makes clear how difficult answering that question is.

The study compares arterial plaque from autopsies of US soldiers in Iraq to the findings from similar studies on soldiers in the Vietnam and Korean conflicts.

The implicit assumption is that deceased soldiers are a random sample of the larger military population, or at least that deceased soldiers from different wars are comparable samples.

For example, the sampling is quite different in the 3 conflicts, with a larger number and larger percentage of deceased soldiers available to the Iraq War study than from the earlier conflicts, which had much higher number of combat deaths.

Table 3 JAMA 20121226

The authors, as in all good science, do an admirable job of listing in the Comments section all the possible variables unaccounted for. Probably the most striking change between the earlier and current study subjects is that in earlier wars tobacco consumption was encouraged, while by the time of the latest conflict the military had successfully lowered smoking rates within the ranks. That rate is over 30% while the civilian rate is closer to 20%.

In addition, both military and civilian populations have profited from the availability of statin drugs. The military may have improved arterial health today, but that health may be better, the same, or worse than civilian equivalents. I cannot help but assume that the Army still produces bacon for breakfast nearly every morning by baking it in its own grease per this recipe, under Note.

Even with the limitations that the authors list, the study provides an intriguing look at disease across demographic categories.

Table 1 JAMA 20121226

It appears that older more sedentary occupations, ranks, services are all likely to show greater evidence of arterial plaque.

For example, the Marines show the least while the Air Force shows the most. Higher ranks show more plaque. Higher educational levels show more plaque, as education is a likely correlate of rank, implying more sedentary activity and perhaps greater age.

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