If national defense were a simple matter of military might, the United States would have no concerns. We are clearly the military power of the century–the go-to nation when military power is to be projected.
The premise of this blog is that national defense depends upon more than military power–including economic power and the health of the citizenry. If that premise is correct, we’ve got problems.
As Americans we like to think we have the best of everything including a health care delivery system. That is simply, and demonstrably, not true.
A consensus report of the Institute of Medicine concludes that we face shorter lives and poorer health compared to other advanced countries.
A chart shows part of the problem, deaths before age 50:
The latest report has a table showing the US in 17th place in longevity at birth.
We are worse than other countries in 9 areas.
1. infant mortality and low birth weight
2. injuries and homicides
3. adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections
4. HIV and AIDS
5. drug-related deaths
6. obesity and diabetes
7. heart disease
8. chronic lung disease
9. disability
Next blog will deal with some of the report’s recommendations and conclusions.
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